Why using a recruiter can help you nail your next interview - Quad Recruitment
01 Feb, 20232 minsWe know that right now interview rates are really high in the pharmacy world. People are fle...

We know that right now interview rates are really high in the pharmacy world. People are fleeing the nest of their comfortable jobs and looking for bigger and better pastures.
But wait, you often have to pass a three sometimes FOUR stage interview process especially in a clinical Pharmacy setting!
FOUR STAGES???? How horrendous does that sound.
What if we told you that we can eliminate these stages just by the power of a relationship with the Pharmacy company you’re looking to join.
You see there’s always a lot of scepticism about using a recruiter to find you a permanent job. But why? We actually offer you a far better experience and are able to provide more opportunities than you ever knew were available. Believe it or not we offer this service to you for FREE.
The truth is when applying for jobs directly, you enter into a pool of candidates with sometimes no experience and your CV simply gets bypassed. Our Pharmacy clients trust our judgement on every candidate we submit, which puts you at the very top of the pile.
So now the juicy bits- we can support you with nailing an interview EVERYTIME! Now remember, we can’t do the interview for you. It is essentially what you do in the interview that nails you the job. What we do is provide you with the knowledge about the company and sometimes even the questions we know they're going to ask you!!
As a part of our service, we always complete a 30-minute interview prep session. During this session we run through some practical interview scenarios, knowledge on the client and some top tips to help you nail the interview.
NOW this stuff is top secret and it’s something we’ve adapted as a company and our success rates and incredible amounts of people successfully landing their interview. So we won’t be sharing these details on this blog. UNLUCKY! Most of the time, the people who don’t want to complete our 30 minute interview prep session- don’t get the job!
Here’s some horror stories of those who didn’t take up our interview prep session- they are quite funny.
We once had a candidate turn up for an interview wearing the most inappropriate clothes- it could only be considered as clubbing clothes, and this was with a well known healthcare company. It was a group interview, and all the candidates were asked to tell the group one interesting fact about themselves. Our candidate stood up and whipped her hair around- just like the song. (link for reference)
Another candidate turned up for an open day and when it come to the 1:1 interview they started picking their toenails (it was a hot day, so sandals were worn)
We also had a candidate who during a very formal interview with senior members of the company asked for a higher salary whilst knowing the salary way before entering the interview. (His request was OBSCENE)
Don't be shy!
Now believe us, there’s more than these, but just by taking our short 30-minute session you gain so much knowledge on how to hold yourself in an interview. You may think you’re a superstar interviewer for landing a job seven years ago. But the interview world has changed, and we hold the key to your success.
There’s no shame in allowing a recruiter to help you. We don’t know Pharmacy on the scale you do. But we certainly know recruitment and what makes people tick in an interview.
Quad Recruitment can help you.